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Contact Us
Phone: 509-963-2135
Address: 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926

Home of the Northwest Anthropological Conference

77th Northwest Anthropological Conference
Instructions for Submitting Papers for Publication in the
2024 Northwest Anthropological Conference Proceedings
**To submit a paper manuscript for the Student Paper Competition or publishing in JONA, please scroll down and fill out the form at the bottom of the page**
The Journal of Northwest Anthropology (JONA) is pleased to announce the 2024 Northwest Anthropological Conference (NWAC) Proceedings. This is the fourth year that JONA has teamed with the Northwest Anthropological Association to publish the conference papers and posters. The 2024 NWAC Proceedings will be coordinated and published by JONA on September 3rd, 2024. The 2021–2023 NWAC Proceedings are available as open access e-copies at
Conference proceedings are good for the contributors because they allow authors to gain exposure for their research beyond those who attended the conference. Proceedings are also good for JONA because they provide the journal exposure, which can lead to new manuscript submissions and new subscribers. Most importantly, conference proceedings are good for Northwest anthropology because they provide insight into the current research questions and issues being explored by anthropologists and others. We firmly believe that the NWAC Proceedings has the potential to play a major role in disseminating the contributions of anthropological research to peoples of the Northwest. We sometimes forget that although the number of anthropologists in the Northwest may be relatively small, the number of people with an interest in Northwest anthropology is broad. If we can develop the NWAC Proceedings into a publication that includes a significant number of papers and presentations from the annual conference, we have an opportunity to build a Northwest anthropology community that includes this diverse group of people.
Submission Date:
Manuscripts will be submitted electronically, as both a PDF and Word document, to Victoria Boozer at The deadline for submittal is 11:59 pm, Friday, 31 May 2024.
Whose Papers Can Be Included?
Only papers that were presented at the 2024 NWAC can be included in the Proceedings. At least one author of a paper must have registered for the conference, and the paper must have been presented.
Is There a Word or Page Limit?
There is no word or page limit per se; although, we ask that papers not exceed 7,000 words (roughly 15 single-spaced pages). The proceedings are designed to include the paper that was presented at the conference. That is, do not send in a lengthy manuscript that was prepared for publication in a professional journal, and which was then used as the basis for the 15-minute NWAC Conference presentation. The paper presented in the NWAC Proceedings should mirror the oral presentation given. Conference proceedings are not the place to publish large datasets. Papers presented at the 2024 NWAC can be submitted to the Proceedings; expanded papers prepared for publication in a professional journal can be submitted to JONA as article-length manuscripts at
Should all My Slides Be Included?
No. Only include those images that are required to support the statements made in the paper. Minimize the number of illustrations to those that are necessary.
Can the Paper Be Revised After the Conference?
Yes, in fact, the purpose of the post-conference deadline is to provide the presenters time to revise their paper based upon comments made by colleagues during and after the presentation. Nevertheless, the submitted paper should not be materially different from the presented paper.
Are the Papers Peer Reviewed?
Will the Papers be Edited Prior to Publication?
Papers will be copy edited, but no substantial technical editing will be done. If a submitted paper is poorly edited and not understandable, it will not be included in the Proceedings.
Can Poster Presentations be Included in the Proceedings?
Yes, though these can present publication challenges. Submittals will not be reformatted, but rather published as received. Therefore, it behooves the submitter to transform the poster presentation to something that can be readable on 8.5 by 11-inch pages.
Are Papers Submitted to the Student Paper Competition Included in the
The runner-up papers will be included in the Proceedings, and the winning student papers will be published in a future issue of the Journal of Northwest Anthropology. Other student papers submitted to the competition must be submitted to the proceedings just like any other paper.
Additional Questions?
Write or
Style Guidelines: Manuscripts should be prepared following the JONA Style Guide. A general guideline to formatting submissions is included below. Formatting is flexible, and improper formatting will not result in a rejection of the manuscript. It should be noted that submissions for the NWAC Proceedings are required to insert figures and tables immediately following their respective callouts in the paper. Figures should also be included as separate files, as the original figure files (.jpeg or .png) will be needed to ensure the highest quality of the images when the paper is published.
Cover Page: A cover page will include all authors’ names. In addition, all authors must
provide an email address, the title of the paper, and an abstract. An example cover page
is provided at the end of this document.
Title: The title of your article is flush left, in upper- and lower-case letters with
all major words capitalized. Keep the title short but meaningful.
Name: Your name(s), exactly as you want it to appear, is flush left. If your
name has unusual capitalization or spacing (Mac, De, Van, etc.), be sure that
these items are clearly indicated.
Abstract: The word “Abstract” should follow your name, be flush left, and
entirely in capital letters. The abstract text follows as a new, un-indented
paragraph. The abstract will not exceed 150 words, although exceptions can be
made if necessary. It should summarize the contents, significance, and
conclusions of the paper and not be written to serve as an introduction to the
• Text (introduction, main text, discussion, and/or conclusions):
All submissions must be formatted with 1-inch margins on all sides of the 8.5 by 11-inch document. Poster submissions must follow these guidelines. The text should be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, not justified, and single- spaced. The paper should not include headers, footers, or page numbers. Authors should review the JONA Style Guide for proper formatting of headings and sub-level headings throughout their papers, along with formatting figure captions and table titles.
• Acknowledgments (optional):
The heading “Acknowledgments” is flush left in all capital letters. The use of the Acknowledgments section is optional. Personal pronouns
are appropriate in the Acknowledgments.
• References:
The References Cited pages will be required to be formatted according to
JONA guidelines. For the Proceedings, the References should be entered in Times New
Roman font, size 12. Please visit the following link to access the JONA Style Guide:
• General Tips for Manuscripts:
1. En dashes: En dashes are slightly longer than a hyphen and represent a range in
numbers. For example, 10–15 pages, 2,000–3,000 years, 1770–1800 are all
instances in which an en dash, rather than hyphen, is used. However, the
hyphenation of words still requires the placement of the hyphen, for example:
well- known, long-lasting, face-to-face. Please keep this in mind when writing
and editing a manuscript, and please ensure the hyphenation of words is
consistent throughout each article.
2. In-text references are listed chronologically, rather than alphabetically. If there
are citations from the same year, then they are listed alphabetically. Semicolons
separate entries by different authors, while commas separate entries by the same
3. Please ensure that each in-text citation is listed on the References Cited and that
each entry on the References Cited is called-out in the text. This is the costliest of
time and funds for the copy-editing process.
4. Pay close attention to words being spelled, capitalized, or hyphenated
inconsistently. Consistency is key. Please check the Style Guide or consult with
JONA staff to ensure proper standardization.
5. Please make sure each figure and/or table are called-out in the text.
6. Please make sure that all of the ORIGINAL figures are with the manuscript when
submitted. Also, please ensure that all permissions for figures and personal
communications are enclosed.
7. Please ensure the References Cited pages match the Style Guide. This is another
costly and time-consuming part of the copy-editing process.
Student Paper Competition
The competition is open to any individual enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution (graduate and undergraduate). Competition contestants need to register for both the conference and the Banquet. All contestants are expected to attend the conference and banquet.
The winning papers will receive a prize and be included in a special NWAC 2024 Proceedings volume published by the Journal of Northwest Anthropology (JONA). Winning papers will be published in JONA as submitted, or if desired by the author, will be put through the JONA peer review process so that it can be considered a "peer-reviewed" publication.
Submit your paper title and abstract (which should follow the guidelines listed below) by February 20th, 2024 and select your entry to the NWAC 2024 Student paper Competition on the NWAC web site at the following link ( Complete paper manuscripts (which should follow the guidelines listed below) are due by February 20th, 2024 and should be submitted via the NWAC 2024 Student Paper Competition form at the bottom of this page.
Manuscripts will be submitted as both a PDF and Word document via the NWAC 2024 Paper Manuscript Form below.
Manuscripts must be written with the student as sole author. This competition is for students, but we recognize that many students work together and often have co-authors and collaborators from the communities in which they do their research. Advisors and collaborators should be listed in the acknowledgements for the paper but the final work should be the sole responsibility of the author.
Manuscripts are not to exceed 7,000 words and should be prepared following the JONA Style Guide format (see link below). Figures and tables should each be referenced in the text and serve a clear purpose. Figures and tables should be inserted immediately following their respective callouts in the article. Winning papers will be required to be formatted according to JONA guidelines for publication.
Submissions will be judged anonymously—the author’s name and institutional affiliation should be removable from the manuscript in both the Word and PDF versions. Acknowledgements should not be included in the submission as this affects anonymity (if chosen as winning paper, you may include acknowledgements when your manuscript is published in the JONA NWAC 2024 Conference Proceedings volume).
Provide all contact information through the NWAC web page portal used to submit the manuscript.
Judging Criteria:
a. Anthropology sub-field relevance of the research problem, question, or issue being investigated and clarity of objectives 25%
b. Originality of the research design (question and/or methods) 20%
c. Quality analysis and interpretation of data 25%
d. Quality of writing including concise and excellent organization, grammar, and appropriate citations and references 25%
e. Follow JONA guidelines; formatting 5%
Questions about submissions should be emailed to or